Not all of us are gifted at birth with such ready-made stage names like "Tyrone Power." Most of us are either stuck with the lame one we are given, or we change it because we know it will help us rocket to stardom. A man named "Curtis Jackson" apparently felt that...
A Very Mature Bankruptcy Part 2
In part 1 we learned how Steve and his wife had their peaceful retirement sidelined but Steve’s trip to the hospital and the insurmountable debt that followed. In part 2 we will see how filing for bankruptcy with our firm rescued them from their debt predicament....
A Very Mature Bankruptcy Part 1
Those golden years for which we all hope can offer us so many things. Many of us work for decades with a singular vision - to completely retire one day and enjoy our latter years full of peace and restful tranquility. This was the hope of our client. We will call him...
Turn That Tax Refund Over to the Bankruptcy Trustee
That post filing feeling is just so great. Those creditors who have dogged you for years are put to bed. No more obnoxious calls and no more threatening letters. Next year comes around and all that bankruptcy stuff becomes a speck in the rearview mirror. You've moved...
Citizens Scramble to Get Their Money out of Banks Before Greece’s Looming Bankruptcy
Have you ever gone to the ATM only to find out it was empty? Have you ever taken a trip to the bank only to find out it’s closed for the entire week? Unless you have some cash hidden away in your mattress, how are you supposed to pay bills when your precious money is...
David Cassidy – Bankruptcy and Divorce
Want to buy a "celebrity's" house? David Cassidy's Fort Lauderdale home is up for sale. Unfortunately, he has to sell it because he just filed for bankruptcy in February and is coping with a divorce from his wife of 23 years. But his misfortune can be your gain! The...
Our Client and His Stolen Identity
We've all heard the horror stories. You go to use your credit card at the gas station and it’s denied. Too bad you're almost out of gas, you have no cash, and now your credit card doesn't work. Your day is about to get a whole lot worse when you find out your card is...
Make Sure Your Debts Are Dischargeable Before You File for Bankruptcy
Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a terrific way to eliminate debt. You can get rid of decades worth of credit card debts, medical bills, pay day loans, personal loans, and other unsecured debt without having to pay a penny to a single creditor. You can walk away with a...
It Just Got Tougher to Get Rid of That Arizona Second Mortgage
Anyone who has been a homeowner in the last 10 years probably knows something about the housing crisis that we had in the middle of the last decade. For most of us, things have finally gotten somewhat back to normal. Unfortunately, plenty of people are still left with...
Filing Without an Attorney? Watch Your Handwriting!
Have you ever tried reading your doctor's handwriting? Would it be much of a surprise if you walked out of the pharmacy with Ritalin instead of Restasis? All those years of school and he can’t even print like a second-grader. Filing bankruptcy without an attorney is...