by Haines Meyer | Mar 16, 2015 | Bankruptcy, Student Loans
Goodfellas Most of us have seen movies about the Mafia. One of the ways they earn money is by making loans. Have you ever seen what happens when somebody can’t pay them back? It’s not pretty. Usually you walk (or hobble) away with a few bruises and broken bones… if...
by Haines Meyer | Mar 5, 2015 | Bankruptcy, Credit
There are only three credit reporting agencies. Weather you like it or not, they are constantly monitoring your financial activity. Based on many factors such as how quickly you pay your bills, and how much outstanding debt and past due debt you have, each agency will...
by Haines Meyer | Feb 14, 2015 | Bankruptcy, Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
Until recently, not going mad from boredom on a plane was difficult. Smoking had once been a popular choice. Then came large movie screens that only half the plane could see. These eventually morphed into individual screens on the back of headrests. But these still...
by Haines Meyer | Jan 22, 2015 | Bankruptcy
Since the dawn of man we’ve been constructing buildings from stone. Technology has changed over the millennia, and thanks in large part to the Romans, we now build buildings from brick and mortar. But one thing has remained; it’s never stopped being a...
by Haines Meyer | Jan 9, 2015 | Bankruptcy, Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
Retail is a tough business. It’s extremely seasonal and vulnerable to market fluctuations and consumer trends. As a result, we can all think of countless retailers where we once used to shop that are now closed. Deck the Halls With the Malls Have you been to...