Our Call Center Client

Aug 18, 2015 | Bankruptcy, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

It’s estimated that the call center industry employs around five million people in the United States alone. Most jobs in this sector are not particularly high-paying. They do, however, typically have great benefit programs, paid training, and a stable work environment. So for many, a position in a call center is not just a job, but a career.

Our client April had worked in a call center for seven years. She loved working there. Before starting at the call center, she had worked in fast food and in retail. None of which she liked. But her call center job paid better and offered better hours. Also important, it provided wonderful benefits for her and her kids. She even had her own desk which she carefully decorated with pictures of her children and with artwork from their school.

Every year she performed well and was compensated with a raise of about 75 cents per hour. After seven years she finally felt like she was making enough money to live comfortably. Unfortunately, many years of earning a low income left her with about $20,000 in credit card debt. She could afford the monthly minimum payments, but could never put much of a dent in what she owed overall.

April became frustrated and felt like she would never get rid of her debt. She finally started to consider other ways of eliminating it. After speaking with some friends at work, she realized chapter 7 bankruptcy might be a great option for her.

A Clean Slate

April came into our office with a plan in mind. She had already done a lot of research. She knew that she easily qualified for chapter 7 bankruptcy. She also figured out that every single one of her debts would be eliminated when she filed.

Between her work and her kids’ activities, April had an extremely busy schedule. So she opted for our “bankruptcy in a day” option. She took the morning off of work, and brought a pile of paperwork into our office. An hour and a half later, her case was already prepared for filing with the court.

We filed her case later that day, and she instantly received her federal bankruptcy protection. No more harassment from creditors, no more debt. April finally could live comfortably on her income. She no longer worried about the debt burdens of her past. Ones from a time when her income simply wasn’t good enough to survive on.

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You can contact an experienced bankruptcy attorney at Meyer Law for a free consultation.

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(480) 518-0154

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I-17 & Pinnacle Peak
(480) 518-0154


94th St & Shea
(480) 284-5580


N. 83rd Ave & W. Thunderbird
(480) 518-0154


Bell & Reems
(602) 715-0856

Queen Creek

Ellsworth & Queen Creek
(480) 284-5581
